APS Student Handbook Links
Volcano Vista HS Student Handbook
- Academic Requirements
- Health
- Lockers and Lost & Found
- School Pictures and Student ID Cards
- Student Parking and Driving & VVHS Parking Lot Policies
- Testing
- Textbook and School Equipment
Academic Requirements
Students must earn a total of 25 credits which include:
Category | Credits |
English | 4 Credits |
Math (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II &/or higher) | 4 Credits |
Science (Lab course in biology, chemistry and physics) | 3 Credits |
New Mexico History | .5 Credits |
Government | .5 Credits |
Economics | .5 Credits |
World History | 1 Credit |
US History | 1 Credit |
Health | .5 Credits |
Physical Education | 1 Credit |
Electives | 9 Credits |
Total | 25 Credits |
All students must take one unit of:
- Advanced Placement (AP)
- Honors
- Dual Enrollment/Credit,
- or Distance Learning
And one unit of:
- career cluster course
- work-place readiness
- or a language other than English
Courses that will satisfy the practical arts/fine arts requirement:
- Career and Technology education
- Computer Science
- Art
- Music
- Drama
- Yearbook
All students are strongly encouraged to take two (2) years of the same language other than English, which count toward elective credits; most post-secondary schools have this as a minimum requirement for admission.
0.5 credit is granted for each class (unless otherwise indicated) at the end of each semester
- Credit is granted with passing grades (A, B, C, D)
- Credit is not granted for non-passing grades (F, I, N, WF)
If a course is repeated; the higher grade will be used for the GPA (grade point average) calculation.
Students who drop a course after the 10th day of the semester will receive a WF (withdrawn with an F).
Students must meet the minimum requirements to be a student aide (minimum 2.0 GPA, teacher recommendation, excellent attendance, etc.), but may only earn 1.0 credit as a student aide.
Students are strongly encouraged to participate in dual enrollment at CNM or UNM. Contact a counselor for information and see them for credit-recovery options.
The APS system recognizes that:
- Healthy students are better students!
- The schools respect the right of parents to assume responsibility for the health of their child.
The health office is open during school hours for students in need of:- first aid
- health information
- personal counseling
- or referral to another health delivery service
The nurse may, with parental concurrence, excuse students from classes when they are ill or injured at school.
Parents are notified of all head and eye injuries and any other condition that requires further medical attention. Generally, APS policy discourages the administration of medication at school. However, when a student needs to take prescription medication during school hours, arrangements can be made with the nurse. Over-the-counter medicines (aspirin, Tylenol, ibuprofen) are not given in the nurse’s office.
Students must be in compliance with New Mexico state law regarding immunizations in order to attend Volcano Vista High School.
Lockers and Lost & Found
- PE lockers will be distributed by the PE department. It is the students responsibility to ensure the locker is locked
- Please have any items removed by the last day of spring semester finals
Lost & Found
The lost and found is located in the Activities Office. Students will show their student ID to claim their belongings. Students are advised not to bring valuable items to school. Unclaimed articles in the lost and found will be donated to charities at the end of each semester.
School Pictures and Student ID Cards
School Pictures
Kenneth Brown Photography is the contracted photographer for VVHS and will photograph students for the yearbook. Photograph packages are ordered on prepay basis and payment must be presented at the time the photo is taken. Refunds are made available by special request to the photography company if they are unacceptable and retakes are no longer an option. Photographs of Juniors, Sophomores and Freshmen will be taken at school on 4th week of school.
Seniors have their yearbook portrait taken by appointment at the photographer’s studio, usually during the summer. Seniors must have their pictures taken by Kenneth Brown Photography in order for their picture to be in the yearbook.
Kenneth Brown Photography
207 Candelaria Ave. NW- STE B
Albuquerque, NM 87107
Phone: 1-800-657-2785
Seniors Pictures: August 1st is the deadline for seniors to have their photo taken to be included in the yearbook.
Underclassmen Pictures:
- Students will receive picture order information through their classes.
- 9th: Science
- 10th: Science
- 11th: Science
Retakes are late October during lunch for underclassmen. Students will need to stop by the Activities Office (D107) to schedule an appointment.
Student ID Cards
Every student will receive an identification card. Volcano Vista students must carry their ID at all times. There is no initial cost to the student for an ID card. Replacement cards are $10.00 and may be purchased in the Activities Office in D107.
Student Parking and Driving & VVHS Parking Lot Policies
Student Parking & Driving
For2024/2025 Parking Registration. This registration must be filled out in full before any parking permit is issued.
Students must bring in a hard copy of their license and registration to the Activities Office in order to pick up their permit once school starts, and must do so by 8/30.
Student Parking & Driving
The Activities Office is responsible for selling parking permits.
•All vehicles parked on the school grounds must be registered with the school (no exceptions) and the VVHS parking tag must be on lower drivers side of windshield AT ALL TIMES.
•The cost of the initial purchase of a parking tag is $40.00 (non-refundable). Replacement cost for lost or stolen tags will be $40.00 or the original cost of the tag (prices will decrease after the first semester). Parking forms are located on the VVHS website on a first come first serve basis until sold out.
Everyone must provide the following information:
- A valid driver’s license
- A current school year VVHS School ID
- Proof of insurance
- Registration of vehicle(s).
- You may not sell or transfer a parking permit to another student at any time.
- Neither VVHS nor APS are responsible for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents.
- If you park illegally your car will be tagged. At the third (3) violation, your car will be booted and documented. The cost for removal of the boot is $50.00.
- Parking passes will be sold to seniors, juniors, and sophomores until sold out.
- Parking on VVHS property is a privilege, not a right.
Policies For Use Of VVHS Parking Lots
- Parking is strictly limited to designated student parking areas only. South parking lot is designated for all students with passes. (672 spaces). We will sell until we are sold out.
- No student parking is allowed in any other lots on campus.
- Violators may be tagged, booted, and/or towed.
- Towing will be at owner’s expense.
- Removing a boot will be a $50.00 charge to the student.
- Tampering with the boot is prohibited; cost will be charged to the student to repair the boot.
- Students may not access their vehicles during passing periods and school hours. Your car is not your locker.
- All vehicles, drivers, and passengers are subject to all NM state traffic laws. Students may not ride in the back of pickup trucks, on the hood/trunk of vehicles, or any other manner, which is deemed unsafe.
- Students will follow posted speed limits on campus.
- All vehicles must remain In designated areas. Do not drive on the sidewalks, concrete or athletic fields, mesa.
Volcano Vista High School emphasizes traffic safety and expects all drivers and passengers to use seat belts. Students are expected to drive carefully and obey posted signs. Violations of guidelines will result in suspension of driving privileges and/or towing at owner’s expense. Parking regulations are strictly enforced.
It is a privilege, not a right, to drive and park on school grounds.
Gates to all lots will be locked from 8am to 2pm. All traffic will be required to enter and exit through the main entrance on Rainbow Blvd. during these times.
Tests to determine student’s progress and their achievement are required by the district and/or state.
9th Grade
- Semester Exams - December/May
10th Grade
- PSAT (Preliminary SAT) - October
- Semester Exams - December/May
11th Grade
- ACT and/or SAT - Year Round
- (College Entrance Exams)
- PSAT - October
- (Preliminary SAT & National Merit Qualifier)
- New Mexico Assessment of Science Readiness - March
- Spring Statement Exam - TBD
- Advanced Placement Exams - May
- End of Course Exams - May
12th Grade
- ACT and/or SAT - Year Round
- (College Entrance Exams)
- End of Course Exams - December/May
- Advanced Placement Exams - May
- End of course exam and AP exam dates are subject to change.
Textbook and School Equipment
Textbooks and other property issued to students remain the property of the State of New Mexico. Students should treat them with care, as they must be used for several years. When students receive texts or other materials, they assume full responsibility and will be expected to pay for damage, loss, or theft. They should write their name on the inside front cover of each text. Misplaced textbooks or supplies should be returned to the textbook room.
- Please have any items removed by the last day of spring semester finals.
Attendance Policy
- Student Attendance & Daily Absence
- Absence - Online Reporting
- Daily & Excessive Absences
- Make-Up & Class Drop Policy
- Prearranged Absences & Tardy Policy
- School Imposed Absences & Leaving School/Campus & Withdrawal
Student Attendance & Daily Absence
Student Attendance
New Mexico law dictates that:
Students between the ages of five (5) and eighteen (18) years of age are mandated to attend public school, private school, home school or a state institution.
The Albuquerque Public School District reports habitual truants to the Children’s Court Liaison office and to the State of New Mexico.
Daily Absence Policy
Attendance Information for Parents/Legal Guardians of High School Students
Albuquerque Public Schools strongly believes that daily school attendance is necessary for students to fully benefit from the instructional program. Excessive absenteeism, regardless of the reason, will negatively impact student academic achievement.
- A parent/guardian shall notify the school each day that the student will be absent in accordance with the notification procedure established by the school. Only the student’s parent/legal guardian may report an absence. Please use ParentVue for entering absences.
- A parent/guardian shall keep the school informed of current address and phone number for emergency notifications.
- An “absence” call will be sent out by the SchoolMessenger phone system to the parent/legal guardian at 8:20 AM if the student is not recorded as present by 7:30 AM
- An “absence” call will be sent out by the SchoolMessenger phone system to the parent/legal guardian at 10:30 AM and again at 4:30 PM if the student still is marked absent in any period.
- Absences may be excused for the following reasons with appropriate documentation: Illness; limited family emergencies; family deaths; medical, health or legal appointments; suspensions; religious commitment; college visit; limited extenuating circumstances as approved in advance by the school principal; etc.
- All absences for other reasons are unexcused, including: family vacations outside of the normally scheduled school break, non-school sponsored activities or trips.
- Half day absences will be added together to equal a full day.
- Absences follow the student throughout the school year, from semester to semester and from school to school.
Refer to the APS Student Behavior Handbook for more information.
Excessive Absences
- Absences due to school-related activities shall not be included when evaluating excessive absences.
- A student shall not be allowed more than ten (10) school-related absences per class per semester.
- State law requires schools to withdraw a student after ten (10) consecutive days of absence.
Absence - Online Reporting
Daily & Excessive Absences
Daily and Excessive Absences
Please report all student absences online (period, partial or full day absence), through ParentVue. If your child is absent multiple days for any reason, please input into ParentVue. If there are extenuating absence circumstances that require your student to miss multiple days, please contact the Attendance Dean and work with the counselor/administrator around the situation.
Student absences may be excused for the following reasons, with appropriate documentation: illness, limited family emergencies, death in the family, medical/health/legal appointments, suspensions, religious commitment, college visit, deployment of a military parent, limited extenuating circumstances. All other absences are unexcused, including family vacations outside the normally scheduled school breaks and non-school sponsored activities or trips.
School-related absences (Hawk Absences), with proper prior approval, do not count towards the number of absences.
Excessive absences, excused or unexcused, will be addressed with an administrator.
Make-Up & Class Drop Policy
Make-Up Policy
Students with excused/unexcused absences are allowed to receive credit for make-up work as long as they meet the following minimum criteria:
- On the first day back to a class, students are responsible for requesting make-up assignments. Failure to complete make-up work in the time allowed may place students at risk of not earning class credit.
- After receiving assignments, turn in assignment(s) in a period of time equal to the number of days absent, unless other arrangements have been mutually agreed upon by the student and the teacher.
- Teachers may need 24 hours from the time of the request to compile assignments.
- It is expected that students will take semester finals on the days that they are scheduled. Students will be permitted to make up finals if they are missed due to an excused absence. Requesting to take a final exam early is discouraged. Approval of such a request will rest with the teacher in consultation with the principal.
Class Drop Policy
State law requires a school to withdraw a student after ten (10) consecutive days of absences, or in the case of excessive truancy, for students who fail to return to school after the school district has exhausted its efforts to keep the student in an educational setting.
Prearranged Absences & Tardy Policy
Pre-Arranged Absences
Absences for school-related activities, such as athletic competition, student government functions, performance groups, and field trips are called Hawk Absences. Sponsors must arrange for the students to obtain all signatures from all classes at least six (6) school days prior to the activity to receive a Hawk Absence and students must obtain all signatures before the six (6) day deadline. If this six (6) day notice is not met, then the student runs the risk of not attending the event. Students should make arrangements with their teachers to meet any class/assignment responsibilities. Students in excess of five (5) absences may not be allowed to attend events that require a Hawk Absence.
Occasionally, families are left with little option but to take students out of school for an extended period of time. Family emergencies, college visits and planned, or unexpected, vacation opportunities are among the reasons students may be taken out of school for an extended period of time. No one questions the important educational value a visit to other places in the world can have on a student. Learning takes place in many places outside the classroom. However, expecting a student to receive the same benefit from completing paperwork as opposed to participating in a classroom environment is asking a lot of the student and teacher. If an absence like this is unavoidable, please contact the office as soon as possible. You will be asked to complete a form indicating the reason for the absence and obtain the signature of each teacher. Sometimes it is possible to provide students with assignments before their absence. However, that is the option of the teacher. Please remember, instructional time is an asset that, once missed, is irretrievable.
Getting to school and class on time is a valued employability skill. The expectation at Volcano Vista High School is that students are in class when the bell rings. They will be expected to adhere to each individual teacher's tardy policy. The expectation continues to be that parents/guardians review each syllabi with their student.
Teacher-Managed Tardies
When tardy students make it to their class, their teacher will:
- Admit the student into the classroom
- Record the tardy in Synergy
Teacher managed tardies reset at the end of each semester.
School Imposed Absences & Leaving School/Campus & Withdrawal
School Imposed Absences
Absences imposed on students by Volcano Vista High School (i.e. suspensions, Hawk Absences, referrals to administration, appointments with nurse, counselor or peer mediation) will not affect the student’s attendance record.
Leaving School Prior to the End of the Semester
The school frequently receives requests for students to leave school before the end of the semester. The school is not obligated to provide makeup work and final grades will reflect the fact that the student did not complete all required work. In cases of personal illness/ family emergency, the administration will attempt to make provisions to allow the student to complete required work so that grades will not suffer. The semester exam schedule applies to all students.
Refer to the APS Student Behavior Handbook for more information.
VVHS is a closed campus.
Withdrawal from School
Students who withdraw from Volcano Vista High School for any reason must follow the procedures in the office. Students may not checkout without parental permission. All outstanding fines and books must be paid for or returned.
Leaving Campus Early
Unless sent home by the nurse, any student who leaves campus early or who returns to campus during the school day must check in/out with the office. To expedite this process parents/guardians should:
- Send the student to school with a signed and dated note or appointment slip indicating the student’s destination (such as doctor’s appt.), time of departure, expected time of return and a copy of your driver’s license is needed to verify you are the legal guardian.
- When the student returns to campus he/she should check in the office with a signed and dated note or appointment slip indicating the reason the student was gone and the time the student left to return to school. Students who do not check in/out through the office will be counted unexcused.
- Students with early dismissal, late arrival, CNM and/or CEC must have their schedule and ID with them in order to leave campus.
It is the responsibility of the parent and the student to keep track of attendance. A calendar or chart should be used to record dates, times and reason for all absences.
* Please pick up students by 3pm if they need an early dismissal for an appointment. Due to the size of the school and number of students we have found that many times we cannot get to the student before the dismissal bell. This causes the student to leave campus as usual and creates undue stress on the family.
VVHS is a closed campus.
Definition: Closed campus means students are to come and remain at school until dismissed by school officials. School officials will not release students during the day without written permission from a parent or legal guardian. No student visitors are allowed to attend classes. All visitors are to report to the office. School day hours are 8:30am-3:45pm.
Behavior Policy
- Unacceptable Behavior, Referrals, Anti Bullying Policy & Bus Regulations
- Acceptable Student Use of Personal Electronic Devices, Internet/Computer Use & Library Media Center
- Dances
- Dress Code
- Fire Drills & Food Services
- Grade Point Average, Report Cards, Schedule Corrections, Transcripts & Withdrawal
- Spectator Code of Expectations
- Substance Abuse
Unacceptable Behavior, Referrals, Anti Bullying Policy & Bus Regulations
The primary goal of Volcano Vista discipline policies and procedures is to provide an atmosphere, which promotes learning. The aim of disciplinary measures is to assist each student in the development of self-control, positive employability skills, social responsibility, and acceptance of appropriate consequences for certain actions. All students are urged to help create a positive educational atmosphere by maintaining proper respect for themselves, others, and school.
Unacceptable Behavior on Campus and at School Sponsored Activities
Serious misconduct warrants immediate suspension from school pending a parent conference. Repeated violation may also involve notification of juvenile authorities and/or removed from school.
Examples of unacceptable behavior include but are not limited to the following:
- Possession or use of unlawful drugs, narcotics, or alcohol.
- Fighting, physical attack, or physical harassment
- Possession of a weapon
- Vandalism or destruction of school property
- Refusal to obey school personnel
- Truancy
- Cheating/Forgery: Cheating on tests, papers, projects, etc. (Including plagiarism).
- Classroom disruption
- Profanity and obscene language
- Endangering others (snowballs, rocks, etc.)
- Reckless driving on campus.
- Loitering in halls or parking lot: Any student who does not have a class scheduled is to report to the library.
- Electronic devices, cell phones, skateboards, Frisbees, or other disruptive items on campus will be confiscated and returned only to a parent.
- Eating or drinking in classrooms.
- Use of tobacco: APS policy prohibits use of tobacco products on campus. Therefore, smoking, chewing tobacco, dipping snuff, electronic cigarettes and/or look a likes are not allowed on campus.
- Public display of affection.
- Harassment of other students or staff members.
- Food Deliveries
Referrals to the administration regarding the above behaviors will result in one or more of the following, depending on the circumstances and severity of the violation:
- Conference involving any combination of administrator, student, parent, teacher, counselor.
- Parent contact
- Suspension
- Suspension of privileges (ie dance admittance, VVHS sponsored events)
- Service to school (cleaning campus, etc.)
- Legal actions or referral to juvenile authorities (in more severe cases).
Anti Bullying Policy
All students should be aware of the Board of Education’s ‘Bullying’ policy as it pertains to APS. Per APS Board of Education, bullying will not be permitted at APS. The policy makes it clear that the Board expects all schools to be safe, respectful learning environments, free of fear and intimidation. This also includes all types of cyber-bullying as well.
Bus Regulations and Information
The same behavior is expected from students on buses as during the school day. Students are to follow the driver’s directions. Students unable to follow bus regulations will be denied bus privileges. Students who do not live in the area covered by bus service may not ride the bus; in case of an accident, the friend is not covered by bus insurance.
The APS transportation division(505-880-3989)prepares bus schedules. Information concerning bus schedules is available at the switchboard and at registration.
Acceptable Student Use of Personal Electronic Devices, Internet/Computer Use & Library Media Center
Acceptable Student Use of Personal Electronic Devices (Cell Phones)
Albuquerque Public Schools shall permit student possession of personal electronic devices on all district property and at all district sponsored activities while the student is under the supervision of district staff. However, students with personal electronic devices in their possession at Volcano Vista or any APS property do so at their own risk. APS/Volcano Vista shall not be held liable for any electronic device that is lost, stolen, damaged or deemed partially or totally inoperable. Use of personal electronic devices that disrupt the instructional day or include unauthorized use shall be prohibited. Albuquerque Public Schools shall not be responsible for restricting, monitoring or controlling the electronic communications of students; however, it reserves the right to do so. For purposes of this policy, “personal electronic device” means any device that a student is in possession of which electronically communicates, sends, receives, stores, reproduces or displays voice and/or text communication or data. These include, but are not limited to cellular phones, pagers, smart phones, music and media players, gaming devices, tablets, laptop computers and personal digital assistants.
For purposes of this procedural directive, “instructional day” means the period of time between the first scheduled bell and the last scheduled bell of the school day and any other time in which
instruction occurs.
Students may appropriately use their personal electronic devices before school, during passing periods, during lunch and after school. Cell phones and personal electronic devices are not to be used during instructional time, except under the direct supervision of their teacher to support/enhance the instructional and educational purposes of the classroom. Student use of personal electronic devices that disrupt the instructional day or at prohibited times may result in disciplinary action and/or confiscation of the personal electronic device.
APS/Volcano Vista shall not be held liable for any electronic device that is lost, stolen, damaged or deemed partially or totally inoperable.
• During Class Time: At VVHS, unauthorized use of cell phones or electronic devices during class time may result in confiscation of the device by the teacher. The teacher will secure the item for the remainder of that class period, and then will return it to the student at the end of the class period. In the event that the teacher has documented multiple device confiscations/infractions for a specific student, the teacher may submit an online referral to the student’s assigned administrator for further disciplinary action. Be sure to document the history and interventions, include parent contact. APS/Volcano Vista shall not be held liable for any electronic device that is lost, stolen, damaged or deemed partially or totally inoperable.
• If teacher confiscates a device during class and forget to return the item to the student, please make every effort to connect SAME DAY with that student to get it back to him/her. THAT DAY, until you connect with the student, keep the device LOCKED away. LAST RESORT, before 3:30pm, take the device to that student’s Academy Office to log and secure the device for the student to pick up; please do not make this a habit, but DO NOT LEAVE DEVICE IN YOUR CLASSROOM OVERNIGHT FOR ANY REASON! APS/Volcano Vista shall not be held liable for any electronic device that is lost, stolen, damaged or deemed partially or totally inoperable.
• Using devices/technology inappropriately, school or personal: Confiscate the device or remove student from use of the school technology, contact the student’s administrator ASAP and turn over the confiscated device. Submit an online discipline referral to the student’s Academy administrator. APS/Volcano Vista shall not be held liable for any electronic device that is lost, stolen, damaged or deemed partially or totally inoperable.
Student Internet Acceptable Use Policy
APS policy requires that all instructional and library media materials be consistent with district adopted guidelines, supporting and enriching the curriculum while taking into account the varied instructional needs, learning styles, abilities and developmental levels of the students. In the past, such materials could usually be screened, prior to use, by committees of educators and community members interested in subjecting all materials to reasonable selection criteria. With access to the Internet and people all over the world comes the potential availability of material that may not be considered to be of educational value in the context of the school setting. APS firmly believes that the value of information, interaction, and research capabilities available outweighs the possibility that users may obtain material that is not consistent with the educational goals of the district. Compliance with this policy is expected. Violation of this policy is grounds for school disciplinary and/or appropriate legal action. The Albuquerque Public School District provides technology resources to its students for educational purposes. The goal in providing these resources is to promote educational excellence in the Albuquerque schools by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communication with the support and supervision of parents, teachers, and support staff. Internet use, including email, will have an educational focus and be supervised by an adult at all times. The use of these technology resources is an educational right, however with this right come responsibilities and consequences for not meeting those responsibilities. Proper behavior, as it relates to the use of computers, is no different than proper behavior in all other aspects of APS activities. All users are expected to use the computers and computer networks in a responsible, ethical, and polite manner as outlined in this document. APS does not attempt to articulate all required or prescribed behavior for students. Violation of any part of this policy is grounds for disciplinary action. Users will respect accepted rules of Netiquette including but not limited to the following: Users will not:
- Access, upload, download or distribute pornographic, abusive, hate related, obscene or sexually explicit materials or language.
- Violate any local, state or federal statute.
- Violate copyright, or otherwise use another person's intellectual property without their prior approval or proper citation.
- Vandalize, damage or disable the property, including electronic files, of another person or organization.
- Access, assist or allow others to access another person's materials, information or files without the implied permission or direct permission of that person.
- Use another's password.
- Reveal any passwords or user codes.
- Use APS resources for commercial purposes.
- Interfere with or disrupt other users, services or equipment.
Ultimately, parents and guardians of minors are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow when using media and information sources. It is impossible for APS to restrict access to all controversial materials. The district is not responsible for restricting, monitoring or controlling the communications of individuals utilizing the network, however we reserve the right to do so. Student E-mail accounts, when granted by APS, are good only for the current school year, and will automatically be deleted at the end of the school year. Access to commercial email accounts (AOL, Hotmail, etc.) by students using APS equipment/resources is permitted but still governed by this policy.
Library/Media Center
A current ID serves as the student’s library card, which must be shown to check out any library material. The library/media center also has computers for student use. During class time, passes will be required to enter the library. The library staff helps students to locate material needed for study, research or reading.
Dances are a fun opportunity and privilege for all Volcano Vista High School students. Dances are for students in good standing academically (no more than 1 F), attendance (In good standing) and behaviorally with a current school I.D. School rules of conduct & behavior are applicable and appropriate action will be administered for infractions. Any student who is suspended prior to an impending dance or who withdrew from Volcano Vista High School in poor standing may not attend. Tickets sales are final. Tickets are non refundable and non transferable.
- Students are discouraged from bringing non-Volcano Vista High School students. No one over the age of 20 and no middle school students are allowed to attend.
- Volcano Vista High School senior students wishing to bring a non-Volcano Vista High School guest will be required to return a signed permission form from their guests home school in order for the guest to attend. The non-Volcano Vista High School guest must present his/her photo ID to the chaperone at the door. This ID will be held throughout the dance. It will be returned as the guest leaves for the evening. VVHS senior students may bring only 1 guest. The student who is bringing the guest is responsible for their guests behavior.
- Students should be aware of their behavior on the dance floor. No inappropriate or outwardly suggestive dancing or moshing will be allowed.
- Arrival Time: All students who plan to attend the dance are to arrive at least one hour before the close of the dance. Students will not be allowed into the dance the last hour of the dance. Once a student chooses to leave a dance, he/she will not be readmitted. Loitering in the parking lot is not permitted.
- Backpacks & purses are not allowed. A small clutch wallet (size of the palm of your hand) is allowed - please know belongings will be searched.
- Attire: Formal attire may be designated for some dances. No tennis shoes or costumes are allowed. Jeans are not allowed. All dances are in the evening therefore no sunglasses are allowed. Please wear appropriate suits, slacks or dresses.
Formal dances end at 10:00 PM unless otherwise indicated. If the student does not drive and must rely on a ride home, the ride should be waiting for the student prior to 10:00 PM. Volcano Vista High School dances are chaperoned by school staff, administration and parent volunteers. Parents wishing to volunteer may contact the Activities Office. Volcano Vista dances are not open to the public. A Breathalyzer will be used as necessary.
Dress Code
Fire Drills & Food Services
Fire Drills and Safety Regulations
All APS schools are required to conduct fire drills as directed by APS. All staff should have a Fire Escape Route posted in your room or office. If you do not have one, see the Buildings and Grounds Administrator to get a copy. Please follow the exact route indicated for your room. Students and staff are not allowed to stay back during a fire drill at any time. This includes all cafeteria workers, custodians, guests, subcontractors and maintenance personnel.
Due to the installation of the security gates along the athletic fields, we have had to re-route some classrooms to other meeting points during a fire drill. All H Hall classes will now meet at the north side of the Main Building along the dirt field in the Auto Shop / Softball Areas. All F Hall classes will go through the field gate and onto the soccer field. The 2 field gates will be open except during lunch and after school.
We are required to follow this drill schedule:
- 1st Week - Fire Drill
- 2nd Week - Fire Drill
- 3rd Week - Lockdown
- 4th Week - Evacuation
Then we are to conduct the following required drills throughout the school year:
- 2 additional fire drill by the end of May
- 2 additional ALICE drills by the end of May
Food Services
Both breakfast and lunch are available in the food courts. A list of menu items and prices are available. Students are responsible for keeping the areas clean. Free and reduced price meals are available to those students who qualify; applications are available from the cafeteria manager.
The DECA program, located in H-hall and the Gym Snack bar/Lava Pit, located in the A-hall lobby will sell pizza during lunch. Food/drink items may not be purchased during class time. Vending machines may not be used during class time.
Bringing Food to School or Food Deliveries
The delivery of food by Uber Eats, Grub Hub or any other food delivery service is not allowed. If a parent would like to bring their child a meal, they have to do it right before or during lunch time and they must come up to the main office to check in. Students are not allowed to leave class to get their food until lunch time and the office will make an all call. Due to safety concerns, students will also not be allowed to go to the driveway or parking lot to pick up food. Parents who bring food to students must wait for the student to arrive to hand them the food.
Lunch Areas
Due to safety and accountability concerns, the upper floor of the main building, the front of the school by the main ramp and the PAC west side will be closed for lunch. Students can still eat on the first floor of the main building, the library patio and the A Hall patio. If teachers choose to have students eat lunch in your class, they must be supervised at all times and a pass must be provided in advance.
Grade Point Average, Report Cards, Schedule Corrections, Transcripts & Withdrawal
The student’s semester grades determine grade point average. Grade point average is based upon the following:
- A = 4 points
- B = 3 points
- C = 2 points
- D = 1 point
- F = 0 points
In addition, grades in honors classes include a weighting factor in determining grade point average.
Students who repeat a course will receive credit only once. The higher grade is recorded on the transcript; only the higher grade is used in computing the grade point average. Classes evaluated on a pass/fail basis are not counted in computing GPA or class rank.
“W/F’s” (withdrawal from the class with a grade of “F”) are counted for computing grade point average.
The basic grading system used at Volcano Vista High School is based on a percentage system:
- A = 90-100%
- B = 80-89%
- C = 70-79%
- D = 60-69%
- F = 0-59%
Absences eliminate the student’s ability to participate in class activities and discussions therefore attendance is absolutely necessary. In addition to assignments teachers may utilize a participation grade to determine the overall quarter/semester grade.
Schedule Corrections
Because students had an opportunity to select classes through pre-registration, the school does not allow program changes unless the student was assigned to the wrong academic class level. These corrections must be requested through the counselor with recommendations from the parent and teacher involved. Any corrections must be made within the first 10 days of school. A class dropped after the second week of school results in an automatic “W/F” (withdrawal with a grade of F) for the course.
Report Cards
Report cards are issued every six weeks. These reports are indicators of achievement to that point and do not represent credit earned. Students earn credit toward graduation only after completion of a semester’s class work and the transcript contains only semester grades. Report cards are also issued to students at the end of each semester. Parents should check the school calendar for anticipated report dates.
Any grade below “C” should be an indication that the student is having some type of difficulty. If parents desire a teacher conference, please call your student’s counselor or teacher. Students and parents are encouraged to discuss progress with teachers.
Transcripts and Permanent Records
Grades earned in high school become part of a student’s transcript or permanent record. Only semester grades are recorded on the transcript. Upon written request by students and/or parents, transcripts are sent to employers, to colleges/universities, and/or new schools entered. The first four transcripts are sent free; thereafter, they are $1.00 each. Please see the registrar for additional information
Withdrawal from Classes
Students withdrawn from a class for poor behavior or attendance fail the class. Their transcript shows a “W/F” for the class. “W/F’s” are used:
- For withdrawal from a class because of inappropriate behavior;
- For withdrawal from a class due to habitual truancy;
- For withdrawal after 10 days of a semester.
- A student may not pick up another class for credit within the same semester.
Spectator Code of Expectations
Spectator Code of Expectations: Compete with Class
The essential elements of character-building and ethics in sports are embodied in the concept of sportsmanship as referenced in “Compete with Class” and in the six core principles of character education:
- Trustworthiness
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Fairness
- Caring
- Citizenship
The highest potential of sports is achieved when competition reflects these principles.
Please be advised that the Albuquerque Public Schools has a code of expectations for all spectators participating in the athletic experience. Your cooperation in adhering to the expectations as a spectator at athletic events is appreciated and necessary to provide the most quality experience for every person participating and to ensure the best possible environment for all student-athletes, coaches, officials and other spectators. For more details please refer to aps.edu/athletics.
Cheer for your team. Do not verbally attack or insult members of the opposing team or their fans. In addition do not verbally insult or attack the officiating team.
Substance Abuse
Suspension of Extra-Curricular Privileges
Students may be removed, at the discretion of the principal, from any part or all of extra-curricular privileges for time periods up to one (1) full calendar year. A grievance procedure is available under the provisions of the Student Behavior Handbook.
Participation in extra-curricular activities is a privilege offered to and earned by students.
Because participants are serving as representatives of their school and community, their conduct is expected to exemplify high standards at all times.
Participants are expected to adhere to higher standards of academics and conduct than established for the general school population in order to maintain their extra-curricular privileges.
Participation in extra-curricular activities is not a student right, and suspension of such privilege does not require a due process hearing.
Extra-curricular activities may include but not be limited to attendance/participation in school activities such as athletic events, open campus, dances, clubs, student government, and other privileged events (including commencement exercises), as determined by a site administrator.
Extra-Curricular Substance Abuse and Tobacco Policy
Extra-curricular activities are an integral part of the educational process, providing students with opportunities to further develop their unique capabilities, interests and needs beyond the classroom. Participation in extra-curricular activities is a PRIVILEGE offered to and earned by students. Because participants are representatives of their school and community, their conduct is expected to exemplify high standards at all times. The Extra-Curricular Substance Abuse and Tobacco Policy is in effect twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, at all times/locations from the first day of fall sports practices to the end of the school year.
The definition of alcohol and controlled/illegal substance possession is extended to include circumstances where substances covered under the policy are proximal and available (i.e. parties, gatherings, etc.).
Criteria for application of sanctions would include, but not be limited to:
- Any Minor in Possession (MIP) or Offense by a Minor Citation
- Written documentation from legitimate law enforcement/school/security reports
- Personal acknowledgment by the student in question and/or their guardian
- The following apply to a Suspension of Extra-Curricular Privileges:
- The suspension applies to all NMAA sanctioned athletic and non-athletic activities.
- Students will not be withdrawn from classes co-curricular with activities.
- A student serving a suspension cannot participate in a “try-out” or be participating in elections during that suspension.
- Suspensions can carry over from one school year to the next for underclassmen.
- Participation in summer programs for students on suspension will be interpreted in the same way as scholastic eligibility for athletics in the summer (i.e., students may participate in on-campus/intramural activities only).
Sale or Distribution of Controlled/Illegal Substances
Student is ineligible to participate in extra-curricular activities for the remainder of the academic year or longer under special circumstances.
Senior students who receive consequences under this policy during the last quarter of the school year may receive community service, to be served prior to participation in privileged events such as commencement exercises. The site administrator will assign community service.
If a student is in violation of this policy at a time in which the handbook is in force (see Section I), other disciplinary consequences may apply. This may include suspension of extra-curricular activities, including but not limited to attendance/participation in school activities such as athletic events, open campus, dances, clubs, and other privileged events (including commencement exercises), as determined by a site administrator.
Participation in extra-curricular activities is NOT a student right, and suspension of such privilege does not require a due process hearing. A grievance procedure is available under the provisions of the APS handbook.
Use and/or Possession of Controlled/Illegal Substances Products
- First Offense – Student’s loss of all extra-curricular privileges and eligibility (including practice and competition) for 45 school days (not including summer school) from the date determined by a site administrator. Students will be required to complete the Parent Involvement Program or other appropriate intervention program approved by the site administrator.
- Second Offense– Student is ineligible to participate in extra- curricular activities for the remainder of the academic year or longer under special circumstances.
Use and/or Possession of Tobacco or Similar
- First Offense – Student’s loss of all extra-curricular privileges and eligibility (including practice and competition) for 10school days (not including summer school) from the date determined by a site administrator. Students will be required to complete the TIPProgram or other appropriate intervention program approved by the site administrator.
- Second Offense– Student’s loss of all extra-curricular privileges and eligibility (including practice and competition) for 45 school days (not including summer school) from the date determined by a site administrator. Students will be required to complete the Parent Involvement Program or other appropriate intervention program approved by the site administrator.